Saturday, 21 March 2020

Understand Game Calculation Game Calculations

This game is based on calculations , and understand it is really required otherwise you will loose many resources without proper results.

Energy Points Calculation :-

If you check in your games big screen there is a black bar on which you can see some figures mentioning stats of your account. Like the given image below.

In above game stats you can see red circled Energy stats. 2122 is the figure mentioning how much energy consumed by my account and 2300 is the slab. 

Energy points use are totally based on , how many bases u have and what is the level of refineries they have and amount of basegun/flaks on it. Already mentioned in the Beginners Guide how this energy calculation distribution. Again like to paste those point distribution here :-
  • Every single level upgrade on Concrete refinery (factory) will consume 5 Energy
  • Every single level upgrade on Steel refinery (factory) will consume 7 Energy
  • Every single level upgrade on Aluminium refinery (factory) will consume 9 Energy
  • Every single level upgrade on Fuel refinery (factory) will consume 11 Energy
  • Every single flak (Base Defense / Base Gun ) will consume 9 Energy.
For example : I have a base on which i made my refinery of Concrete / Steel / Aluminium / Fuel on level 5. And made 10 flaks on it. So That base will consume 250 Energy from you Energy points :-

Concrete :- 5 x 5 = 25 Energy
Steel :- 5 x 7 = 35 Energy
Aluminium :- 5 x 9 = 45 Energy
Fuel :- 5 x 11 = 55 Energy 
10 Flaks :- 9 x 10 = 90 Energy 

TOTAL = 25 + 35 + 45 + 55 + 90 = 250 Energy 

One more thing like mention here , if you are playing with some big players and if they are killing bases which are having base extension on it ( Maximum refinery level ) , after getting killed such base you will get that base with Half of the refinery level. Which means that base will come on Level 8 Refineries. Level 8 refineries means it will consume your 256 Energy. So keep it in your mind if you are not having that much sufficient energy to take that base don't try to take it. Or you will face " Power Plant error " and possible your production will stop

Game is allowing an account up to 99 above head of the point you have without stopping the production. For example : If you have 1000 Energy and while taking bases you reached 1099/1000 stats , up to this figure your production will remain good. After crossing 1100/1000 possible your game production will stop.

If we want to increase Energy points game is giving us option to add more Power Plant. Every single Power Plant installation takes 19 Gold , and gives us 100 Energy. On an home base you can install up to 15 Power plants which means 1500 Energy + Your assigned free 1000 Energy from game while signup = 2500 Energy.

Given image below is mentioning where you can get this power plant while hovering over your home base or resident base door inside menu.

Power plants are recoverable items. Each power plant will cost 19 Gold on first installation but after getting killed it will cost only 1 gold. For example :- i installed 7 power plants to get me 700 Energy on a resident base. And suppose that resident base got killed by enemy , so next time when i install Power plants on another resident base it will cost me only 7 gold ( 1 gold each for 1 lost power plant ) and this recovery remains with me until my account alive.

Military Points Calculation :-

Military points are totally based on Military Units / Troops which you make. Every Unit is mentioned its MP consumption on hovering the menu while making them. Given below image will describe you how to understand it.

in the above mentioned image you can see 1465/2500 stats in Military. 1465 is the amount of military used in my troops while 2500 is the slab. 

Now check the below image to understand where is the MP mentioned while making tanks or any units.

You can see 15 Military each M3 Stuart tank will take after getting complete. Like this every tank/ship/train/aircraft/helicopter will consume certain Military Points. 

Again like to repeat you can play without any production problem upto 1099/1000 Military if you have only 1000 Military. After 1100/1000 Military your production possible will stop. 

How to increase Military Points ?  Like power plants for energy game is giving facility of installing Military Central and Military office to increase Military points. 

Each Military Central will give 100 Military and cost you 29 Gold.

And Each Military Office gives you 500 Military and Cost is gradually increasing on each Level.

1st Military Office cost - 19 Gold
2nd Military Office cost - 29 Gold
3rd Military Office cost - 59 Gold

Up to 3 level you can install on your home base , 4th One is costly 109 Gold and need to be installed on a resident base. 

Like to mention here if you lost your Resident base Military Office have no recovery. So you will lost it forever. While Military Central is having recovery for 1 Gold each. 

For Example :- I installed 12 Military central on a resident base which cost me 12 x 29 gold = 348 Gold. And suppose enemy killed it. So Next time when i install Military central on another resident base will cost me only 12 Gold for 12 Military Central. This is called as Recoverable item. And this will remain in your recovery Until your account remain alive. That means forever. 

Base Points Calculation :-

Game is giving us free to take 9 extra bases other than one home base which remains with us until our account survive. You can see in your stats bar like given below image :-

My stats is indicating i have 4 resident bases and 1 home base which means 5/10 Bases. I can take more 5 resident bases without any problem unless i have sufficient energy to take them which i already mentioned above in Energy point calculation. 

Once you reach 10/10 bases , and if you want to take 11th base you need Command Base for each extra base. This command base will cost you 69 Gold. And yes it is also a recovertable item so each killed Command Base will cost you just 1 Gold. 

Like to mention here this is possible you can take 12 bases without command base but as i said game have some limitations and possible your production will stop. So never take such risk and dont make your game ruin due to un-calculated game play. 

In a map you can install upto 500 Command Base. On an home base you can install maximum 3 Command Base. 

Base Guns / Flak Range :-

This is really a experimental base calculation and no where developer of game mentioned its range but as an old player and with my own observation i realized what will be the range of a base. 

Bases are of two types : 
  • L1/L2 flak base have same range.
  • L3 flak base have long range.
L1 Flak :- Those tiny base guns which comes by default on a base. They are less strong compare to L2 flak. Firing range is some how 9-10 in range. 

L2 Flak :- Those armored base guns which cost you 29 gold. And they are 10 times stronger than L1 flaks. Same as L1 flak in range.

L3 Flak :- Those armored double barrel guns which cost you 29 Gold for L2 and 99 Gold for L3. The Firing range of this L3 Flak is high and as per observation it is some how 13 - 20 in range. 

L2 / L3 flaks are recoverable items. For Example : If i installed a L2/L3 flak on a resident base and it got killed by enemies. On other resident base i can install L2/L3 for 9 gold. I like mentioned 9 Gold for L2 flaks , 9 Gold for L3 Flak. 

Tips :- Bases are less fire range on backside 

Military Unit Range :-

Military Unit ranges are mentioned already in the menu of each Unit. Given below image will describe you where u can see those range.

W.Range means Weapon Range. Always keep them check while making what kind of units u are developing for the work. Every tank is not designed to do every task. I found some new users are making absurd tanks to kill a base. There is mentioned in each tank what they are for :

Check the above image u can see description of each unit you are developing for the purpose. For Example :- Above given image is mentioning purpose of Lancia. They are good against Bases. So to kill a base if you are making Lancia then its good. But to kill a base if you are making P2 tank then it makes no sense. 

I hope this will help you to understand how these units works and for what purpose.

Fire Power :- As mentioned in above image which is of Lancia. You can see Fire Power are from 20 - 5000 which means. If Lancia are firing on a base their fire power will be 5000. While if you use lancia on attacking a tank then its fire power will be 20 only. There are many " Multi Purpose Tanks " there u can see same fire power for everything. They are designed to either use on base or on fight with other troops. There fire power remain same.

Sight :- Sight is a range of tank through which u can see the lighted area around the tank. This sight helps u to scout something from the range. For Example : An aircraft which are of 21 Sight can easily scout a base and get details of it unless there is a L3 flak on it and possible it can fire on scouted units. 

Armor :- Every unit have some armor which means the resistance it can accept fire on it. The more armor means the more fire it can resist while playing against enemy.

Speed :- Speed really matters to chase and kill your enemy. Or to rescue work. Aircrafts are more in speed compare to other military units.

Fuel :- Keep this in calculation if more fuel consumption means your units will move slow. If your bases are having good level of fuel refineries they produce quicker fuel and your units can move smoothly otherwise they will move very slow.

Group :- Every unit have groups. For example : Lancia are having 19 units in one group / set. Same way other tanks are also have certain units in a group. Like Breda are 47 units in a group. 

Group Limit Expansion :-

By default with the sign up of our account we are getting 5 free groups. That means we can make 4 full set and 1 extra unit. Suppose i make 1 P2 tank it will consume 1 group from my Stats. P2 can have 47 Units in a group. So i can hold 47 P2 in 1 group. 5 Groups are assigned freely to our account means. I can hold 47 x 4 P2 groups. While 5th Group can hold just one unit.

May be the above calculation is confusing you ? That is bcoz 5th Group need 6th group to be free to add more units in 5th group while we have only 5 free group. 

Game is giving option to install Group Limit Expansion or to conquer another bases to add more groups to your account. 

We can install 3 Group Limit Expansion buildings in our home base.

1st Group Limit Expansion cost - 39 Gold
2nd Group Limit Expansion cost - 69 Gold
3rd Group Limit Expansion cost - 159 Gold

After these installation we can get 5 + 3 = 8 Groups without taking any extra base. 

Like to mention here dont install these Group Limit Expansion on resident bases as they are non recoverable items. If you lost the base your Group Limit Expansion will never come in recovery. 


Sight Tower :- 

Sight Tower are useful item but non-recoverable item too. Purpose of sight tower is to watch activities around the base. They are coming in 3 levels.

1st Level of sight tower cost you just 9 gold.
2nd Level of sight tower cost you 29 gold.
3rd Level of sight tower cost you 99 gold.

There is a range in each level to check activities around the base. 

Jammer Tower :-

Jammer Tower are useful item but non-recoverable item too. Purpose of jammer tower is to hide activities and base from Sight Towers around it. 

1st Level of jammer tower cost you just 19 gold.
2nd Level of jammer tower cost you 49 gold.
3rd Level of jammer tower cost you 99 gold.

There is a range in each level to hide area around the base. 

Detector Tower :-

Detector Tower are useful item but non-recoverable item too. Purpose of detector tower is to detect Stealth unit near base and base will automatically fire on it . It cost 29 gold.

Stealth unit in this game are :- Horen Aircraft / Ju87 Aircraft / XR1 Helicopter / Submarine

Base Extension :-

Base extension are for making your refineries maximize for just 49 gold. If you try to maximize those refineries manually it will cost more than 1300 Gold. How ?
  • Concrete refinery maximum level is 16
  • Steel refinery maximum level is 16
  • Aluminium refinery maximum level is 16
  • Fuel refinery maximum level is 15
Manually if you try to upgrade them it will cost you too much concrete/steel/aluminium which need to run refineries through gold. And that calculated amount will come approx 1300 gold to maximize all 4 refineries. 

Base extension is a recoverable item. If you lost a base extension on a resident base after getting killed you can get that base extension for just 9 gold.

Immediate Resources :-

Immediate resources are actually good for those who are purchasing gold from really money as it gives them benefit of 3x for 2 weeks. But some how it is useful for other free players too as it gives you instant resources for the purpose.

For free players cost is same 49 gold while resource you will get 30 Mil each Concrete , Steel and Aluminium. While gold purchases will get 3x of it means 90 Mil each.

Like to mention here user can only purchase Immediate resource only when their account is not having more than 10 Mil resource in every resource. For example : If i have 11 Mil concrete i am not able to buy Immediate resource unless i make it down to 10 Mil. 

Resource Acceleration :-

After clicking the wheel you will get this window.

Purpose of resource acceleration is to run a refinery for some hours , from 1 hour to 15 hours maximum. And to run refineries it will cost you Gold which is mentioned in the menu given above.

Like to mention 1 Hour free steel resource acceleration is provided from game to every account unless they are having their steel below 1 Mil. 

If you have one extra base other than home base then 1 Hour free Aluminium is also available to you. But condition is same your Aluminium must be below 1 Mil figure.

Repair Crane :-

Purpose of repair crane is to make your units back to 100% of health. Repair crane are coming with 3 levels and each level cost different. And each level as mentioned in the menu have recovery speed.

1st Level of repair crane cost you just 79 gold.
2nd Level of repair crane  cost you 159 gold.
3rd Level of repair crane  cost you 349 gold.

3rd Level repair crane can repair aircrafts / helicopter too with the speed of 2% per minute. 

Like to mention here this is a non-recoverable item. 

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading this and I wish I had this information so nicely laid out when I first started playing the game - really good job thanks! One point though, any military office bought on a resident base after a reset is transferred to recoverable military central hence 500 is added to the recoverable military central at 1 gold per 100. It can be beneficial to buy a military office if less that 145 gold (29x5). I will certainly direct anyone who wants to learn about the game here over and above the help menu - Brilliant to have this available - thanks again.
